Sunday, February 27, 2011

For Crying Out Loud!

The mornings are pretty hectic around our house (and probably every household that has kids).
Dogs. Fish. Baby. Food. Bottles. Breakfast. Morning Walk. Morning Email. You get it.

Among all of this, at some point I need to take a shower and get ready in the morning. Hence, I cannot be holding Taylor. And neither can Todd (he's getting ready too). Heaven forbid, but I need to put her down and everytime I put her on the bed, in her bumbo, on the floor, in her swing, in her crib, or any place other than my arms, SCREAMING. She doesn't stop until I pick her up again. This has gone on for about two weeks. She is fed, changed, dressed and SCREAMING every morning for about 40 minutes to an hour.

So, I'm reaching out to you, my readers, for any tips to calm this dear child and my dear nerves. Anyone, anyone?

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Ringing in the New Year with Boulder's Polar Plunge

Last week my phone rang and it was my good friend Megan begging me to leap into a frozen lake to ring in the new year.

One would think that was an odd request but here in The People's Republic, we have the Polar Plunge - an event held on New Year's Day for crazy Boulderites to ring in the new year by jumping into the Boulder Reservoir in the frigid winter of Colorado. Here's my friend Brittany's article in the Daily Camera about the event.

I told Megan that I would think about it. She knew that basically meant no. But I did think about it and although Boulder's Polar Plunge is for a very good cause - all proceeds benefit the Alzheimer's Association - I just couldn't commit to frolicking in a swimsuit on the cold beach of Boulder Rez before diving into a semi-frozen lake and swimming to and fro an iceberg. That said, they do take all safety precautions necessary from the police, firemen, paramedics to a scuba pro who wades in the water with a dry-suit and gear to save anyone who inadvertently slams their head on ice (awesome).

Don't worry though, Megan wasn't alone to risk hypothermia. She was accompanied by my other crazy friends Annie, Emily, and Tia.

While I didn't jump, I promised to be their official photographer/videographer. I also decided to take photos of the local hotties at the event (see pic above). Check out more photos on my Flickr Photostream. Happy New Year!

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas!

Today was my daughter Taylor's first Christmas. It was fun filled and family packed. It's amazing how a child changes the entire dynamic of Christmas celebration with family. Of course in Christmas pasts it has always been a nice time to reconnect but this year was really special. Everyone was in a good mood, especially when they were holding her. Since Taylor is the first grandchild on all sides of my family, she received more clothes and books than I can count!

On Christmas Eve we went to FatCats Bowling Alley in Westminster. It's one of the nicest Bowling Alley's I've ever been to and they do a really nice job of hosting big parties. Totally recommended, fellow mommas!

After bowling, we had a hankering for Mexican food but after a trip down to Pearl Street Mall to try and drink the sweet nectar that is a Rio Margarita, we realized everything was closed. I realize it was Christmas Eve but I was surprised to not have a single option on Pearl Street. So we ended up at my husband and my favorite spot in South Boulder: Murphy's. I'll write more about Murphy's later but really quick tip: get the World's Smallest Dessert.

Christmas Day was spent with my husband Todd's family. We ate, drank wine, opened presents, took millions of photos, drank more wine and ate more food. Ahh, the holidays!

Merry Christmas Everyone. I hope it was warm and happy for you.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Welcome to the Boulder Mommy Blog

Hello, and welcome to the Boulder Mommy Blog!

My name is Courtney Walsh. I was born here in Boulder, Colorado and I recently gave birth to my daughter Taylor here as well. As a new mother and Boulder native, I wanted to create this blog as a place to compile my thoughts and recommendations about raising a family in Boulder. As one of the first people in my circle of friends to have a child, I've done a lot of research on my own to find the best local daycares, doctors, gyms, dentists, baby-friendly restaurants, special events, retail stores, and other resources.

My intention is to offer my readers tips and recommendations that will hopefully help navigate the Best of Boulder when it comes to having kids in the People's Republic.

If you have tips of your own, I would love to have guest posts as well.

So if you're a Boulder mommy or daddy or simply interested in how to raise kids in this town, come join me on this blogging adventure.