Sunday, February 27, 2011

For Crying Out Loud!

The mornings are pretty hectic around our house (and probably every household that has kids).
Dogs. Fish. Baby. Food. Bottles. Breakfast. Morning Walk. Morning Email. You get it.

Among all of this, at some point I need to take a shower and get ready in the morning. Hence, I cannot be holding Taylor. And neither can Todd (he's getting ready too). Heaven forbid, but I need to put her down and everytime I put her on the bed, in her bumbo, on the floor, in her swing, in her crib, or any place other than my arms, SCREAMING. She doesn't stop until I pick her up again. This has gone on for about two weeks. She is fed, changed, dressed and SCREAMING every morning for about 40 minutes to an hour.

So, I'm reaching out to you, my readers, for any tips to calm this dear child and my dear nerves. Anyone, anyone?


  1. What about playing her favorite music? Or an educational video? Is she cutting a tooth, a molar maybe?

  2. Does she have a favorite toy that she can have only when she is on the floor, etc?

  3. Thanks you two! I give her toys and she doesn't care. A video might work though... bless the TV! I'll try that. She may be cutting teeth. Not sure. She's only 8 months so that seems a bit early?

  4. Nope, not too early to be cutting teeth! That definitely might be it. Try a cold washcloth or a teething ring to see if that helps, or I know there is something OTC you can buy to put on her teeth... I know that Whole Foods has a good one that I've used on the kiddos I babysit for. Hope that helps!

  5. Let her scream. It will last about 1 or 2 days, but completely ignore her.
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